Sunday, January 17, 2010

Momma's Boy

You are looking at one big ole Momma's boy right here and he wants the world to know. This boy does not let me out of his sight these days. Yes, I am flattered and I love it and at the same time I am tired. Tired of not being able to get our of his sight without a screaming fit. I should record it for all to see, you would not believe it unless you saw it.

My MIL was here last night and she said, "I think y'all are making these stories up about this sweet boy". Hmmm...I beg to differ. He is a fit throwing Momma's boy and that is all there is to it.

You think this sweet little face might be the reason she thinks it is not true?

Or this one?

Perhaps it is this one!
Trust me when I tell you that this boy is wild, crazy and loves to have his way. I think he is going teach me what it is really like to be the Mommy of a ruff & tuff little boy. I am tired Little Man, I am tired. Thank you for loving me so much, it is a good thing you are so darn cute!


  1. I'm having a hard time believing it, too -- that sweet face???

  2. Laura-
    There are days I know EXACTELY what you mean...but he is sooo darn precious and those cheeks I could just eat him up!!!

  3. he is just 2 stinkin cute! who cares if he's a momma's boy!

  4. What a cutie you have!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    For the circus cake stand, I just used acrylic paint. It took several coats, so I think it might be easier to just tape everything off and use spray paint. I just used what I had. I hope yours turns out cute!

  5. Oh sorry! It was plastic. Because my son's b'day was in the summer, there were tons of drink tubs in different colors everywhere. I got his at Wal-Mart for like $6. I have seen a few metal ones at Target recently, but they have hearts on them. I think metal would be good too, you would just have to make sure the handles don't stick out past the edge of the tub or it won't sit flat. :)

  6. Laura Ann ~ Precious pictures.

    You are too cute, and yes, we did know on our vacation. In fact, I'm almost 13 weeks, so we've known for quite some time. We just always like to hear the baby's heartbeat before we share the news.

    Blessings today.

  7. I cannot get enough of that big smile!
