Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Word-filled Wednesday

Emma's favorite activity at Gymnastics. Why is it that a water fountain is so fascinating to little kids? She will pick this over the rockwall, bars, trampoline, beam and floor any day of the week.


  1. LOL that is soooo funny- Callen to loves water fountains!!

  2. We do a playdate at a gymnastics place one a month. The smaller kids spend pretty much most of the hour messing with the water fountain while their big brothers/sisters are jumping or swing or whatever. It's hilarious. The littles will actually stand in line waiting their turn...over and over again.

  3. Hi! I found your blog through Jessica McCash. You have the most adorable little kiddos! My son is obossed with the water fountain at our church also!

  4. Hey there, haven't dropped by in such a long time. I freaking LOVE your blog, do you design it yourself? If not, what tools/site do you use? And your kiddos are absolutely precious! Seriously, both are so stinkin' cute! It was fabulous seeing you all again, and I wish you the best. Take care ;)
