Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bahamas ~ The fun begins!

I have finally gotten a chance to start journaling our vacation after getting over the anxiety of looking through 2000+ pictures. Yes, we were extremely camera happy and excited to use our new camera we purchased days before traveling.

We were so super excited to spend a week at the Atlantis with our kiddos and introduce them to all the resort had to offer. We chose this destination because we felt like it would be a great place to go with our kids and never have to leave the property while offering so many things for all of us to do. Needless to say, it did not disappoint and both of our kids LOVED it!

We spent hours each day staring into all the aquariums and watching our kids as they stood mesmerized at the sharks, fish, manta rays, starfish, seahorses, conch, sea urchins and the life that exists under the sea.
Our little man got so excited the first day that he took off running and ran right into the aquarium wall sending him flying backwards about 2 feet and landing flat on his little back. We laughed all week about it, after we made sure the goose egg on his head was okay.

Every evening we walked down to the Marina and enjoyed watching the local entertainment, eating dinner and having dessert. Gavin and Emma both enjoyed beating on the drums and shaking the noise makers they had out for the children to help the Bahamian band.

Enjoying her "PINK" ice cream from the Ice Cream Parlor that was a very popular hit on the Island.

Emma decided to grace the stage one day and sing her very own rendition of "Pants on the ground" for all the onlookers. It was so funny and was only the beginning of her entertaining us and others on this trip.

One of our favorite things to do was visit the sea turtles several times a day. They happened to be housed very close to The Cave we had lunch in everyday. I loved hearing Gavin say "turdle" and getting so excited to see them.

We could have stared at these guys all day. There were about 25 of them in an open aquarium and they were beautiful and big. This was one of my favorite things to do when we were here on our honeymoon too. It is hard to tell their size, but some of them were about 3 feet in length and width. They had the cutest little faces you have ever seen. Emma was begging to get in and swim with them. The girl is a lover of all animals big & small and I am confident she would have gotten in without question had she been allowed to do so.

My sweet baby girl sitting up in a circular cut out to an aquarium, yes white dog traveled to the Bahamas with us along with the twins. I love the way these aquarium pictures turned out of them. Funny thing is, I have this exact picture of me and Curtis from when we visited the Atlantis 5 years ago.
Emma & Gavin ~ this was by far the BEST vacation your Dad & I have ever taken in our life. There were many people who thought we were nuts for taking you guys here and that none of us would enjoy ourselves because you guys were so young. You guys were TROOPERS and great little travelers. Each morning we were up, dressed and out of our hotel room by 7:30 every morning (usually on the beach) and did not return (with the exception to change clothes or clean up) till 10-11:00 every evening.
You guys crashed at the beach, by the pools, in the stroller, on walks through the aquariums or wherever and whenever you got tired. Everything about this trip was perfect and you both enjoyed all it had to offer and got so excited with each new adventure. Emma, I know you will remember it for the rest of your life and don't worry little buddy we are going back, so you will get to add these memories to your memory box too.
There is something so special about seeing a vacation through the eyes of your own children. Emma & Gavin, Thank you for helping us make memories that will last a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. I love that last picture of Emma and the one of the three of you on the bridge! More, more!
