Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sand, Beach & Family Fun

Just a glimpse of the days we spent on the beach. The weather was a little tricky when we were in the Bahamas, so to insure that we got beach time daily we would arrive at about 7:30 every morning. The benefit to doing this was a front row seat, a chair with a canopy and less crowded beaches.

Of course we had to get pictures of our names, destination and the year in the sand.

Playing in the sand was one of our favorite things to do on this trip.

My handsome little man was not so sure he liked the sand in the beginning, but he came around quickly. I think he realized it would get kind of boring sitting around on a chair all day.

Emma Lou was up for anything on this trip. She did not think twice when we asked her if we could bury her in the sand.

Daddy & Emma making there way to the ocean for a morning swim. Daddy really enjoyed being in the ocean with both of our sweet babies.

This little guy was so cute when he would stand up and walk through the sand. He would try as hard as he could to get where he needed to go, but it was a little hard. When he decided he had enough he would crawl up on any ones chair and make himself at home. No one really seemed to mind at all and would laugh at his big ole smile once he made his way up there.

Daddy made lots of trips back and forth to the beach with buckets full of water for us to use for building sand shapes and castles.

We had our very own little beach bum on this trip. Emma would have played on the beach all day long by herself, she was so content. She would wake up in the morning begging to hit the beach. When it did rain she would tell her Daddy, "it's no big deal Dad we can go to the beach in the rain".

Emma's vacation friend Erica from "neticut". We had to explain to Emma that vacation friends were people that we would probably never see again, she did not like the idea of that at all. She wanted to find Erica everyday at the pools and the beach.
My sweet babies hard at work in the sand.

Sifting through the sand one scoop at a time. We actually had a duffle bag filled with all these beach toys that we brought from home.

Hmmm....we were so thankful Gavin decided he liked the beach and did not mind getting dirty.

As for this one, there was no stopping her on this trip. She was a trooper that was willing to do more than was sometimes offered. She was super brave and had a great time no matter what we were doing. I am pretty sure she fell in love with her baby brother all over again on this trip. She could not keep her hands off of him and if he was not laughing at her, she was laughing at him.
Both of our kids ended up loving the beach and the sand, which is a wonderful thing for us because we heart Beach vacations!


  1. oh I love all these pictures! It's so wonderful to see you with your happy little family! I love y'all! :-)

  2. Great happy they loved the sand & ocean!!!
