Friday, July 23, 2010

Daddy's Girl in the Bahamas!

It all started with a trip to Sea World and Emma begging to swim with the dolphins. She was relentless about swimming with the dolphins, Shamu or anything that we would allow her to jump in the water with. It was Spring Break 2010 when the dream was born for us to allow her to swim with the Dolphins when we traveled to the Atlantis on our summer vacation.

One of her THIRD birthday surprises in June was this certificate her Daddy made for her to swim with the dolphins along with a stuffed dolphin. She was super excited and talked about it everyday until she slipped on her wet suit and it was time to turn her dream into reality. I am not sure who was more excited her, her Daddy or me (the photographer).

Entering Dolphin Cay for a day of fun and memories that will last a lifetime.

Hmmm...thought Darla, "our grandma by choice" would be so proud of this one. I also could not resist the cuteness of all these itty bitty wetsuits hanging just waiting for little people to jump inside.

One look at our witty itty bitty and the gentleman handed over the suit and told her to have a great time. She did not move 3 feet before she sat down on the floor and got straight to work.

Of course she wanted no assistance getting it on, so she ended up with both feet and legs in the arm holes. She sure knows how to keep a crowd entertained.
You are looking at one very happy and excited Daddy that could not wait to experience this with his baby girl. I teased him and told him that she was really the boy he had always dreamed of. All kidding aside, Curtis has traveled all over since he was a young child and he always dreamed of the day he could do these types of things with our kiddos.
My husband the rule follower and his "mini me" paying very close attention during orientation. This is where we learned that 7 of the dolphins at Dolphin Cay were rescued shortly after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. Their story brought tears to my eyes, yes I am real sappy like that especially when it comes to animals. You see, Emma's love and passion for animals comes naturally to her and I was the same way as a little girl, thanks to my Daddy. Those 7 dolphins are living the life now at the Atlantis and being treated like royalty. So happy for those little bottle nose fellas.

They are off to get in the water and meet Hercules, native of Louisiana. Hercules, thank you for being so sweet and smelling like strawberries according to our baby girl. Emma has told everyone that the Dolphin smelled like the little red fruit that we love to eat.

I think we have 2 happy Frazier's right here while the other 2 observed from the Beach.

Everyone needs and deserves a little dolphin kiss in their life.
Hercules, I think you might be a little thankful that Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana a couple years back.
Daddy congratulating Emma for being so brave and helping him make dreams come.

Daddy was not the only one who was proud. Our two trainers were very impressed by Emma's skills and lack of fear. Most of the kids dropped their fish in the water when the dolphin swam their way. Not our Emma, she held it in her hand and waited for Hercules to open his mouth and beg a little before she dropped it in.
Look at you Emma. You had just turned THREE years old when you did this and I am confident that you will do it again one day. I am looking forward to returning next year (God willing) and us swimming with the dolphins as a family.
You are looking at Emma's BIGGEST FAN! This little guy sat in his stroller the entire time and just talked and clapped as he watched his Daddy and Emma interact with the Dolphins.

I can not thank God enough for the Daddy that he has blessed my daughter with, I am not sure they come in better packages than the one we got! Emma, your Daddy is everything that I pray you will find in a spouse one day (a very long time from now). You are looking at a man that is everything God intended for a Daddy to be and so much more.

We are so proud of you big girl and I think you are feeling super proud of yourself in this shot.
From the very beginning when we decided Emma and her Daddy would do this he would always say things like "Why don't you do this with her?" or "We can do it one day and y'all can do it the next". Even up until it was time to do it, Curtis said, "I feel bad that you are not getting to do it with her." My comment would always be, "I can NEVER take that away from you, I know how long you have dreamed of this day". Truth is, Gavin and I could have done it had we booked it in May but it was all booked by the date of travel. In the end, I was so happy with being the photographer and just watching the 2 loves of my life from the shoreline. However, I do look forward to the day we will swim with the dolphins as a family. Sure hope Gavin does not try to bite one (just kidding buddy).

It was a great day spent at Dolphin Cay on the property of the Atlantis. We met some really nice families, trainers & dolphins while making memories and dreams come true. There was a time in my life when I thought I was the biggest Daddy's girl on earth, but after watching my husband and daughter, I think they've got me beat. Emma, we are beyond PROUD of you little girl!


  1. Okay...I cried and cried over this post...tears of joy of course. What a PRECIOUS memory :)

  2. That looked like so much fun! I can't believe Emma was not afraid. Way to go!!!

  3. Can you possibly get any sweeter??? What priceless memories!

  4. What great memories!!!! So sweet and exciting! We are about to head to the Bahamas in 3 days. Can't wait!!!! Your family is adorable!!!

  5. My hubs and I are going alone.. 10 yr anniversary. We are staying at the Sandals resort. How far out did you book your family vacay and did u use a travel agent? We are thinking of taking a big vacay next summer with the whole family. I've heard Atlantis is AMAZING!!

  6. I cried reading this! It makes me miss my Daddy so much and just shows that real Daddy's are still out there. You and your kids are lucky to have him as a husband and father! I love reading and seeing the awesome pictures from your trip!
