Monday, July 12, 2010

I NEVER want to forget!

We have just returned from our week long stay at the Atlantis on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Everyone of us are exhausted, but it was the most AMAZING trip of my entire life and I would do it all over again. Yes, even packing and dragging 9 bags and a double stroller around the world.

There are so many things about this trip that I want to remember forever from walks on the beach, looking for seashells, playing in the ocean with our kids, building sandcastles, looking at sea turtles, swimming with Dolphins, watching Emma go behind the scenes with the trainers to participate in a feeding of stingrays, Gavin pretending to ride a horse, playing in the sand as a family, rides in the lazy river, eating lollipops, trips to Oh Sugar, hearing my son say turtle, boat & fish for the first time, getting dressed 4 times for family pictures and being rained out every time, watching the sun set at Cove Beach 2 nights straight, staring into the aquariums for hours, Gavin sitting in a pizza box eating his dinner, jumping on the bed with Emma, entertaining 2 kids on the plane for hours, marshmallow fights in the hotel room, both of our children being the welcoming committee everywhere we went and shouting hi or hello, the excitement in their faces with every new thing they experienced, Emma striking up a conversation with ANYONE who would talk back, burying Emma in the sand up to her neck, Gavin pooping on the floor in the hotel room (yuck), late night hunts for milk for Little Man, Emma searching for a peddler on the beach to sell her a starfish, watching Emma seek friends she could play with and falling in love with 5 year old Erica from Connecticut, watching my husband as he glowed with pride that Emma was so brave with the dolphins and stingrays, Gavin so excited about the huge aquariums that he ran right into the glass of one and it knocked him back about 2 feet leaving a goose egg on his head, seeing my kids love each other like never before, enjoying the week away from technology, being able to focus on my sweet family of four and so much MORE!


  1. You go girl! Laura that's all that I can say at this point. You have traveled to the most amazing place in the world. Hopefully oneday I will be able to do the same.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes!!! You are so blessed and that picture is beautiful!!!

  3. Glad you're home safe and sound! This made me cry girl! What a wonderful experience you guys had and I cannot wait to see the pictures and hear all of the details. What memroeis you guys must have made that will last a lifetime. The family picture is just beautiful! Everything turned out perfect..even if you attepmted 4 times to get the photos!

  4. Thanks for the well wishes about moving schools! I can't wait!!

    Your trip sounds amazing and I love the way you capture your memories with your family on your blog. ;o)

  5. Can't wait to hear all about it...and I must admit, I seriously laughed out loud about the part where Gavin ran into the glass!! Poor baby! I have done that a few times and it really isn't funny....until about a week after it happens :)
