Monday, July 5, 2010

On our way to PARADISE!

the Frazier Four are on their way to enjoy some fun in the sun, build sandcastles, play on the beach, swim with the dolphins (1/2 of us), find seashells and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Praying for beautiful weather, safe travels, a relaxing trip, undisturbed quality time with my family of four, those that are sick or struggling while we are away & the person who is lucky enough to sit by us on the plane! Pretty confident we will have to buy a round of drinks for everyone sitting within 3 rows of us. It should be interesting to say the least, praying my kids sleep the entire flight.

I am going to take this week to focus on my family, my marriage, being a Mommy, my career, my blessings, friendships, how I can make a difference next school year, setting some new goals, reflecting on life and my relationship with God.

Feeling super giddy thinking about my little ones playing on the beach together. Please pray traveling mercies over us while we are away.


  1. I hope your trip is wonderful and you have a blessed time with your family! So fun!

  2. Cannot wait to hear about your vaca and see the pics! Good luck with the family photos. I know they will turn out GREAT!!!

  3. hey laura! sorry i haven't gotten back with you sooner! i have been recovering from vacation...vaca just isn't relaxing like it was before kids..haha! my only tip on the sun exposure is limit your time in the sun! i slathered C&H up numerous times, wore hats, and tryed to stay under umbrellas and we were never out more than 1-2 hours at a time! C&H loved the sand & I bet your cuties will too! where are you guys going? best of luck & enjoy yourself!
