Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blessed at the POLE this morning!

Went to bed last night with a heavy heart because I realized late last night that it was "See you at the pole" this morning and we had not made a plan for our students. Text my principal late and told him we had failed to make a plan and I was disappointed. Might have had a little to do with the fact that every administrator in my district set through a 3 hour meeting before school started with our school district attorney that addressed...praying and losing our jobs.

This morning as I arrived to school there were 5 students standing near the flag pole and I was beyond EXCITED to find the nearest parking spot, jump out and join in at the expense of being unemployed today. I quickly watched and listened as 5 voices turned into 44 voices (2 Faculty members, 2 Youth Pastors & 40 of our students) that are on fire for the Lord and willing to share their FAITH.

I was so proud of our students today and so proud of their BOLDNESS as they prayed for each other, their families, our school, our community, their friends and shared their HEARTS with one another. So thankful for a special little girl named Selena that made it a priority to organize this on behalf of our school, but most of all our HEAVENLY FATHER.

This picture was taken by one of our teachers this morning and I {heart} it so much!

My prayer is that my sweet Emma & Gavin will make it a priority to be at the POLE one day and share their love for Christ with others.


  1. WOW!! Laura I am so proud that you join in the prayer session with the students. I would have been right there as well. Keep it going and I too would love to see and hear Kyron, Kennedy Grace and Kaden at the "POLE" at school oneday.

  2. I actually got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye as I read this. Thank God for those who won't compromise what they believe! God bless you!

  3. Awesome!! What a great picture!!!!!
