Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Pretty Lil' Boy

Your Daddy told me not to post this on my blog, but I could no resist.   Gavin has fallen in love with a certain little item that belongs to his sister and he does not want to take it off.   I happen to think it is pretty cute and something I want to remember and share with my Son one day, so in the spirit of preserving memories I had to share.

Being the amazing BIG SISTER that she is, Emma begged for him to be able to wear it to MDO this morning, but we decided it was probably not a good idea.  Sweet boy, I think PINK looks pretty good on you. 


  1. Ohhh, your bottom posts about working and the babies growing up are so sweet. I feel the same way. It is so hard, but I just do my best. And feel SO scatterbrained! :)

  2. All part of having a girly sister! Chance thinks that pink is just a normal color for boys as well. He loves pink sippy cups! Daddy hates it, too!
