Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Biggest Losers...104 lbs down

I am so PROUD to announce that me and my husband have lost 104 pounds in the last six months and we are beyond thrilled.   Why?  We did it for our KIDS, those spoiled children of ours DESERVED it and so did we.  I am not usually one to brag, but I have been waiting for the day to post that we reached the 100 pound mark together. We have been sick in our house for a week, so the virus makes us look like over achievers.   

Back in April we both decided we no longer wanted to continue living unhealthy, so we began eating right, eliminated junk food in our home, stopped going out to eat and began riding our bikes.   I can honestly say we did it as a team and it has been easy, once we made our minds up that we were committed to ourselves, our marriage, our children and living healthier.  Funny thing is, alot of people did not know we were doing this and had these goals in mind.  We would just show up at family events or see friends and they began to notice that we looked different.

It has been a journey, one that was a challenge but one we both took very serious and we could not be happier.  I can honestly say that we feel better, we have more energy, we look better and are thrilled to continue on this journey to teach our kids to live healthy lifestyles.   Yes, we cheat every now and again but the key is to journal our food intake daily with Lose It.   When we started we were consuming about 15,000 calories a day combined, now we are down to about 3200 a day between both of us.  Crazy I know, please keep your comments to yourself because we were out of control!

So, this is an old picture (when we got engaged) and I hope to have a new one soon.   We are scheduled to have our Christmas pictures taken in November, so I plan to post a new picture of us and believe it or not we are both smaller now.

I encourage each of you to get motivated, it is so worth it.  My only regret is that I waited so long to realize how much fun healthier living truly can be and I look forward to being around a few extra days to watch my babies grow old.

Emma & Gavin ~ We love you both so much. Thank you for being the motivation that encouraged us to think about the future of our family and how important it is to make wise choices about our health today.   We are going to have a BLAST at Disney when we finally decide to make the trip!  

Curtis, I am so PROUD of you!  You look amazing and have worked so hard to be healthy so you can be a great role model for our children.  Thank you for all your support and for encouraging me every step of the way.  Thank you for staying at home when I take off on my 10 mile bike rides every night after our babies are asleep.  No doubt we can do anything we put our minds to as long as we are TEAM FRAZIER! I love you with my WHOLE heart!

So YES, we are still THE FRAZIER FOUR we are just 104 pounds lighter and hoping to lose 36 more together!


  1. Congrats to both of you! What an amazing thing you have done together.

  2. That is FANTASTIC!!!! What a fine example you are setting for your children!! My husband and I also have been changing our way of eating. Hoping to show our children a healthier lifestyle too. Our biggest issue is the exercise...trying to find the time to fit into our schedules is crazy! My hat goes off to you and your husband for working together and setting a fine example for you kids! Keep up the good work chica! By the way I just love reading your are always so positive!!

  3. That is amazing! I bet you look beautiful!!! What an inspiration you many ways!!
    Can't wait to see your pictures.

  4. Way to go Laura! Such an awesome feat and so worth it!! Congratulations! Keep it up!!

  5. I am so proud of you guys! I have seen you and you both look amazing! You are an inspiration to the rest of the family and we are all so very proud and amazed by your accomplishments! I know how difficult it is to change old habits! Way to go!!!

  6. Congratulations. I noticed last time I saw you that you were looking a lot smaller. I was not sure if it was because I was looking so much bigger, but now I know you were a smaller, healthier, happier you.

  7. What an accomplishment! My hubby and I are eating healthier also. We both lost 10 lbs the first month just by giving up sugar! As long as we don't go out to eat, we do a lot better. I have also found that the more you 'cheat' the more you want to so I try not to even bring unhealthy stuff into my house anymore. I am proud of you. My husband always loses twice as fast as I do but I don't let that stop me.Congratulations again! Losing weight is hard but keeping it off is even harder!

  8. WOW!!! AWESOME job, keep it up!!!! You guys can do it!!!!! Can't wait to see a picture!!!

  9. Wow! That is awesome! Congrats to you both!

  10. OMG! Congratulations! I thought you were appearing very slim in some recent photos! Way to go!

  11. OMG! Congratulations! I thought you were appearing very slim in some recent photos! Way to go!

  12. I am so so so proud of you! Flint and I need to take this same approach. You may be my inspiration! You are SO right! Our kids deserve it!
