Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Calling all Mommies of BOYS!

How can something so cute be so mean?  This little boy keeps me in constant prayer, reading literature on raising a boy, striking up conversations with other BOY Mommies and questioning myself.

So let me hear it....what has been successful with the Little Men in your life?  I want to hear it all from dealing with fits, timeouts, spankings, hairpulling, biting and the agressiveness that comes in such a little package.   I am open for suggestions, ideas and trying new things.  I will be the first to admit that we do not have all the answers but we are working super hard to help this little guy be happy and make good choices.  Let me just tell you that this boy MOMMY thanks you in advance.   If you don't have anything to contribute perhaps you can tell me your BOY is doing it too and I can find some comfort in knowing I am not alone. BOY oh BOY I can hardly wait to hear what all of you have to say. 


  1. I'm telling you girl...he will grow out it!!!! I am hoping so, b/c that gives me hope that my little man will too!!! I am anxious to see what other mommies say too, so let's hear it Mommies! Our boys in this family need some control! HA!!!

  2. I am curious to hear what other mommies have to say. my 2.5 year old just started bitting and pushing and he used to be so sweet.

  3. I have 3 boys and each one has been more aggressive then the next. They do outgrow it! I keep telling myself that seeing my 3rd boy is right now in his terrible twos. My oldest, who is now 9, was always bitting and I thought he was going to grow up to be a beast but he is the most sensitive, laid back, non aggressive kid now. Just be patient and redirect (constantly)!

  4. I wish I could be of some help but my boys were all so perfect. bwahahaha!!

  5. He is the cutest darn thing EVER!!! send him to our house we will love him, kiss him, hug him and then send him back a bit more rotten!! HUGS I promise you 1 thing it will get better!!!

  6. I wish I new the answers. Kyron has not been to bad. Maybe because he is the oldest. I wished I could help, but I have know clue. Now as for Kaden I am open for suggestions as well. I think he will be different. Any help on little girls. Kennedy Grace is a bet challenging.

  7. I am now the mother of a teenage boy and let me just say...it was not easy! He was however an only child. He never threw the fits and tantrums but nothing could ever keep his attention for more than 20mins.
    My word of advice is be firm & consistent. Don't change your punishment because it hurts his feelings a little. If he is biting....bite him back and bite him hard!(that way he knows how it feels!)...trust me...it works!
    And also remember to let him be a boy...he will be more agressive, more loud and test you.
    Good luck!
