Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Charlie Brown Christmas

We have just returned from our yearly holiday getaway that helps get us into the Christmas spirit. Truly, we do not need any help since our house has been decorated for 3 weeks now, but it is an opportunity to focus on our little family of four.  This is the second year we have gone on this trip after a YUMMY Thanksgiving dinner and we had a great time with the entire Peanuts Gang! 

One of our children loved Charlie Brown and the other could not get away from him fast enough.  Not real hard to see who had an immediate crush on Charlie now is it?   We had such a good time and could have stayed longer. 

Back to the hustle and bustle of our busy life that often leaves us wishing for more time, especially when we look at our calendar for the month of December and see the dates already filled from here on out.  So many memories left to make before 2010 comes to an end and looking forward to what God has planned  for us in 2011.  He has already started preparing us for big changes and we eagerly await all that he has in store for The Frazier Four.


  1. What a great picture of the family!!! You look fabulous girl!!!

  2. WOW! Looks like you guys had great fun.

  3. You look amazing Laura! Happy holidays!!
