Monday, November 29, 2010

Twinkle in their eyes

We arrived to our little Holiday destination and what to our wondering eyes should appear?   A Jolly Ole Fella in a red suit.  This picture is priceless of our kiddos seeing Santa. 

Both of them could have stared at him for hours as he visited with all the little children.  They were in awe of his beard, his red suit, his big red chair and his hat.

Saturday morning we woke up and were super excited to have breakfast with Charlie Brown.  Emma could not get dressed and downstairs quick enough.  Gavin did not really understand until we got there and of course he was all about eating, but did not want Charlie near him.

Charlie was so wonderful with the kids and tried to work his way into Gavin's heart slowly.  He would scoot towards him and away from him, but Gavin was not so sure about him.  I wonder what he was really thinking? 

Emma on the other hand could not get enough.  She would have held his hand, hugged him, touched him and followed him around all day long.  I can not wait to see this little girl at Disney one day soon.  She is going to be in character heaven.

Guess what, Gavin finally let Charlie into his heart at the end and even decided to give him a big hug good-bye as he was saying, "bye Charwie, bye Charwie". 

This picture just makes me SMILE and so proud that God blessed me with a daughter & a son.   Buzz & Lucy were both purchased on our getaway and they traveled everywhere we went.  They decided to rest on the fireplace mantle and watch us enjoy our breakfast.

Emma believed with her whole heart that this was Santa's sleigh that he would be using on Christmas Eve.  She got in and out of it our entire stay and was such a happy little girl every time she sat up in the seat.  I loved seeing the TWINKLE in both of my kiddos eyes as they took in all the Christmas decorations, lights, elves, Santa, trains and holiday decor.

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