Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Night Lights

We love you, we will miss you and we will long to spend time with you next year.   Our football season came to an end tonight and no matter how exhausted I am, it is always a little sad to see it go.  I have enjoyed having my family at the games with me this year and have been so proud of our organizations and athletes that have made Friday nights so enjoyable.

My sweet girl was my date to the final game tonight and we had a great time.   Daddy & Gavin decided to stay home since it was a bit chilly.   I sure do love date nights alone with this sassy little thing & she kinda likes it too.

Emma is going to miss the concession stand and all the junk she gets to partake of during football season.

Our Cheerleaders ran their clinic this week, so we had lots of little ones on the field tonight and they were all so cute and excited to be a part of our final game.

I {heart} this little girl more than I ever imagined and everyday she gives me new reasons to love her even more.   I {heart} that she loves the "Bulldog School" and really enjoys attending school events with her Mommy.   I {heart} that she already knows about school pride and is being exposed to so many different school related activities.  I {heart} that she looks so darn cute in maroon & gold! 

No matter how many times she has seen him, she still does not want him TOUCHING her.  She always says, "Mommy, please tell him to keep his hands to himself" (cracks me up every time).

Hmmm... someone had to have a hot dog tonight too.   I am telling you the girl loves to go to the concession stand.

Yes we can incorporate some Matilda Jane into any outfit we wear, even under our cheer skirt (ha ha).  I am addicted and I can not help it.  Addicted to her, addicted to her cuteness, addicted to that smile, addicted to her personality, addicted to the way she loves me, addicted to her love for life & simply just addicted to everything about her from head to toe.

Emma, it is time for Basketball Season baby girl.  Get ready for Frito Pie, playing in the bleachers, whistles blowing, clocks flashing, echoing, fouls being called and squeaky tennis shoes across the gym floor.

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest little cheerleader ever!!! Absolutely precious!!!
