Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hustle & Bustle

No doubt the holiday season is just around the corner in the Frazier household.   It is always a very crazy time of year for us with family functions, get togethers, parties, shopping, picture taking, increase in workload and everything else that you can imagine.   Every year I say we are going to be ahead of the game and every year we are left scrambling around at the last minute.  We are working hard to try and get everything done on our list, spend time with our kiddos and most importantly focusing on the true reason for the season! 

I have yet to document our Halloween party guest but those will be coming this week. My sweet babies sure had a good time and enjoyed all the candy they got to eat. 

In the next couple months I am going to focus hard on spending my evenings with these guys and not opening up my computer until they are in bed.   Everyday I feel more and more time passing and see these guys getting older right before my eyes.

Gavin can be found with a book in his hand most of the day.  Looks like he tore a page out of this one and his sister is not going to be happy with him when she finds out.

I could not let another day go by without sharing this picture of my sweet friend Lauren and her most adorable children, Callen and Paisley.   Lauren and I met through our blogs 2 years ago and have become the best of friends.  I tell her all the time I think we were separated at birth because we have SO much in common.  It is really crazy, but I am sure our husbands are thankful we do not live closer or they would be broke.  Lauren and her sweet family traveled for a couple hours to join us for our Halloween party.  

We often kid and talk about "arranged marriages" for our children.  Truth is, if we can just end up with one of those Hajovsky children we will be blessed.   They are all four spoiled rotten, so they better secure a good education and career to be able to support the other (ha ha).

Lauren & her family live on a farm and we can not wait to travel there over Christmas Break to visit them and their new BEAUTIFUL custom home that should be ready for move in by the weekend.  Praying tons of blessings over you guys as y'all get ready to make new memories in that wonderful home.

This little girl is so excited about Christmas and ask us daily if it comes before Thanksgiving.  She had a blast decorating her tree this weekend and was anxious to assist with all the others also.

We spent our weekend decorating and planning for our family Christmas pictures that had to be rescheduled because of the weather.  Praying for good weather next weekend, so we can get that marked off the list.  Curtis is stringing the final lights on our big tree as I blog and we will get that decorated in the next couple days.  We need to purchase 1 more tree for our study to hold all the ornaments we have added over the years.   Our tree count will be up to 7 when that one is purchased (little and big of course) and we will have no more room for anything else.  I have to stay out of the stores because I am a sucker for HOLIDAY JUNK!  Seriously, I just feel like I can not have enough.  Loaded up a basket today and decided nope I don't need this and quickly put stuff back.  Thankful I made that choice because our house is busting at the seams.

It is so hard to believe that another year has almost gone by.  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, our Holiday road trip and spending a couple days away with just our family of four.  Change is upon us and we are praying that God blesses us every step of the way as we thank him for the work he has already done.


  1. Glad to read that I am not the only one putting up Christmas I started Sunday. I want to add our third tree this year, but I know I am addding two smaller trees for Kyron and Kennedy Grace rooms. So I guess we will have 4 trees so far. Oh I love Christmas too. Need to start adding yard decor. Have fun!!!

  2. Love the first pic, precious! We put our outdoor lights up 3 weeks ago and tomorrow I'm putting up our Christmas tree. LOVE everything abou this time of year!!! How awesome that you and your blogging buddy have become so close. That's amazing!!! Have a fabulous week!

  3. Love the pic of you and the kiddos. Rarely do you include yourself in your posts which is a shame! Such an adorable shot of the three of you ;) Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
