Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Family Tree

We have waited years and years to have a tree in our home that only contains our Hallmark ornaments, vacation ornaments and ornaments gifted to us by others over the years.   We have always just combined these with our decorative ornaments because we did not have enough to cover an entire 9 foot tree.  

I am so super excited that the branches of our tree this year will hold ornaments that are very special and sentimental to us. Ones we have chosen for each other with love based on our personalities, what we were into that year, marking the kiddos years to celebrate Christmas, documenting memories we share of trips taken and so much more.  Ornaments from grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends can be found scattered through out our tree.   

When we finished hanging all 90+ ornaments on this tree tonight and I stepped back to take a look, I almost started crying.  Crazy to think we have been a family for 6 years, that Emma is celebrating her 4th Christmas and this year we will celebrate Gavin's 2nd.  My sweet husband was even excited about this tree and talked about how much he loved it.

Here is just a glimpse of some of the special ornaments we have collected over the years.   I will tell you it is not beautiful, but it is loaded with amazing memories that only the Frazier Four could enjoy.  My heart is wrapped up in this tree, it means so much to me and now I will just pray we can keep four little hands off of it.

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