Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mary, Baby Jesus & all Aboard

Our week has started off wonderful and this Mommy enjoys being home with her babies over the holidays.  I have said it before and I will say it again, both of my kids are HILARIOUS.  They keep me laughing, even at times I am  not suppose to be laughing at them or with them.  Often times I find myself having to pull my shirt up over my neck and mouth like a turtle, so they do not know I am laughing when their behavior is not appropriate. 

The Christmas celebrations with family have already began and our children have received some wonderful gifts they will treasure throughout the year.

Emma got this cute Princess towel set and this Baby Alive from her Nana (it is Hispanic and Nana had no idea).  No big deal for us, Emma loved it and we think she is pretty cute too.

Yesterday while someone was suppose to be taking a nap she decided to get up and unpackage the towel and grab her baby.  She came into my room running dressed like this and said, "Mom I have named my baby, it is Baby Jesus and I am Mary".  My heart smiled and she went on to tell me, "When Daddy gets home from work he will be Joseph".  I hope she always loves Jesus with all of her heart. 

Our little engineer is hard at work trying to avoid any derailments.  Hmm, seems to be one about every 45 seconds.  Oh the joy of having a boy and watching him play with this little set.  I have had so much fun watching him and putting the train back on track while he shouts, "all aboard" about 282 times a day. 

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