Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours.  We hope this day finds you surrounded by those you love and lots of laughter while we celebrate sweet Jesus!

Our family has been extremely blessed in 2010 and knows that God has great things in store for us as we enter 2011.  I am so thankful for a wonderful husband, two amazing kids, unconditional friendships, family, good health, our home, careers and most of all for a Heavenly Father who accepts us just as we are on a daily basis. 

Christmas Eve has been wonderful and I am so excited for my sweet babies to rise in the morning that I probably will not sleep a wink.  Curtis & I had a blast getting ready for Christmas morning.  It is going to be fun to hear their squeals, laughter and excitement when they see what Santa has left behind. 

Wishing all of you a Very Merry Christmas ~ Love The Frazier Four


  1. Merry Christmas to you guys too. Everyone looks great in the family photo.

  2. What a beautiful picture!!!! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  3. What a beautiful family photo! Love it!
