Monday, January 3, 2011

My Son, 22 Months Old

This little boy is about to be TWO in TWO more months and this Mommy is madly in love with him.  I went back to work today after spending 18 days with my kiddos and I missed this little guy like crazy.  I missed his laughter, his smile, the way he says "momma, momma", him hugging me, his big open mouth kisses, hearing him blow his whistle and I just missed him!

Happy 22 month birthday sweet Gavin Thomas.  Your eyes melt my heart every single day and I love how sweet you have become and how crazy you are about your big sister.  You hug, kiss and follow her around while mimicking her every move.   You are hilarious and provided the entertainment at every holiday gathering we attended last month.

Your personality is amazing and you remind me so much of my Daddy more and more every single day, which blows my mind.  I wonder more and more everyday what it would have been like if he could have met you and your sweet sister this side of heaven.  I imagine that you guys would have a farm full of animals by now and been signed up for 4H already.

Yesterday you threw Emma's African Dwarf Frogs on the floor and the aquarium spilled out everywhere and you made Mommy touch frogs for the first time in her life.  They were hopping all over the house and you were hollering "ribbit ribbit" till Emma pushed you because she was mad that you threw her frogs on the floor (at this point you were both screaming and crying).

You have become a Daddy's boy and are all about your Dad these days.  You love to climb up in his lap to watch TV, kiss him, hug him, want to be held by him and follow him everywhere. 

You are a lover of Caillou, airplanes, trains, your Tow Mater car, playing outside, balls, sports, your blankie, candy and our dog Beamer.   You still wear a size 2 clothes and are in a size 6 diaper. 

We love you so much and are busy planning for your special day which is only TWO months away.  Thank you for being our son and for making us laugh constantly.


  1. Oh, Laura Ann..I cannot believe that your sweet Gavin is already 2! Where does the time go? As you know, I have been absent from blogging for awhile and am trying to get back into it because I missed it so much...especially my sweet friends like you.

    The story about the frogs is priceless! It reminds me of a time when my brother's hamster got out and I was scared to death of it! I turned a clothes basket upside down over it and kept it under there until he got home from school! Ha!

    What an added blessing that the Lord has given you such a beautiful reminder of your precious Daddy. He is truly able to do exceeding abundantly BEYOND all that we ask or think!

    Blessings on you and your family in 2011!

    Love you!

  2. I can't believe how big he is! He is so handsome! I know your daddy is smiling down from Heaven and is so proud of his precious grand babies! But, I also know it is sad not to have him with you on earth to watch the kids grow. Your family pictures are BEAUTIFUL and so is your Christmas card!!!
