Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

From our family to yours, we hope that this new year finds you filled with hope and love.  I am so excited to see what God has planned for The Frazier Four in 2011.  Great things he has done for us in 2010 and we were blessed beyond words in every area of our life.

The laughter that fills our home and our amazing children are all that I have ever dreamed of and so much more.  I can not even begin to explain how proud I am to be the Mommy of Emma and Gavin and how they continue to keep me laughing hysterically daily.

I hope this year is one that provides you and your family promotion in your friendships, faith, family, careers and finances.  I pray that your homes are filled with healthy relationships, you are nurturing   friendships and you are striving to make a difference in others daily.

As for me and my house, we will CONTINUE to serve the Lord! 

Joshua 24:15


  1. Laura Ann,

    I have been absent from blogging for quite awhile, but am trying to get back into a "routine" where I can have time to blog again. Gavin and Emma are even more beautiful than I remember! I know you must be SO proud of them! God has truly blessed you!

    I look forward to catching up with you and hearing all about your precious family!

    Praying God's continued blessings on you in 2011!

    Emilie (MiMi)

  2. Wishing you and your sweet family a blessed and wonderful 2011-- Hugs

  3. It was good to see you th other day! How small the world is sometimes! I am totally in love with your photographer! I got the thumbs up from hubby to give her a call!! Happy New Year!
