Tuesday, February 15, 2011

4 ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ 4

FOUR months from FOUR equals FOR real!  Hard for me to even imagine that this little girl is closer to FOUR than she is to three and she is so excited about her upcoming birthday.  So today we celebrate FORTY FOUR months of life with you sweet girl and everyday just gets better and better.  

We are so super PROUD of everything about you from your big heart to the little things you say that keep us laughing constantly.  You are the best little accountability partner I have ever had in my life and I am so thankful for your BOLDNESS!

Hmmm..."sassy talk" started a couple of weeks back and you have quickly learned that Mommy & Daddy do not like it at all.  For the first time ever you said, "I don't care" and I was a little surprised.  You were very embarrassed after you said it and hid your face in your hands.  You had a couple more incidents where you were "sassy" with Mommy and Daddy finally told you if you do it again that you were having "Tilda" taken away for a couple days.   Needless to say, you have been sweet as pie ever since.

You are all girl and prissy as can be.  Your favorite things these days are Tilda, candy, going to dance class, painting, your cousins, Matilda Jane, playing board games, baking and painting peoples fingernails (you even beg Daddy to let you paint his all the time). 

It is such an honor and a privilege to be your Mommy, Emma Caroline.  My favorite thing to do these days is watch you and your brother interact, play, laugh, hug, kiss, beg to wake the other up, fight, help each other, play make believe and fight some more.  You two are a mess, but truly love each other beyond explanation and what a joy it is to watch your relationship grow.

We are looking forward to your FOURTH birthday as much as you are baby girl.   I love you with all of my heart and hope you will always want to give me, "Two Kisses & a Hug"! 

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