Monday, February 14, 2011

Greatly Loved!

Some people call it spoiled, we choose to call it "greatly loved" at our house.  We decided to set the kids table with their Valentine goodies, so it would be there when they woke up.  Nana left her stuff on Friday, so the little red bags are from her with love.  

Gavin and Emma were both super cute this morning when they saw their stuff.  Gavin stopped at the M&M's and was interested in NOTHING else.  Emma was so sweet and immediately ran to her room and told Tilda, "Look Tilda, I told you Mommy would get you something for valentines day.  Look what I got you, do you like it Tilda, it is so cute."  I do not need to tell you again, how much Emma loves Tilda Jane.

Emma told us that her and Gavin did not buy us anything but they would share their stuff with me and Daddy.  Her thoughtfulness always amazes me.  She then told us she hoped we had a great day and we were the best parents in the world.  She knows how to work us, doesn't she?

Daddy homemade the cards this year and he did a wonderful job.  My heart skips a beat every time I think about what an amazing father Curtis is to our kids, they truly have the most amazing Daddy  in the world.

We opted for these chair backs this year and they looked so stinking cute.  Hmmm, thinking we might have to get them for every holiday now. 

The kiddos enjoyed their parties at MDO today and Daddy surprised them and went today while Mommy stayed at work and attended a meeting.   We were not sure if Daddy could make it, but we could not bear the thought of our kiddos not having one of us there.  So far we have either both been there or at least one of us.  Keeping my fingers crossed it will always be like that.

This evening Daddy brought home heart shaped pizza and lasagna from a family owned neighborhood Italian restaurant that might just be one of the best.  He also brought us Sonic drinks and chocolate covered strawberries {yummy}.

Emma and Gavin are snuggled in bed and it is time for Mommy to go de~bag all the sweet treats and put them away or that is all their diets will consist of for the next week, no good!

You may call it SPOILED rotten but we will keep calling it, "GREATLY LOVED"...just sounds a little better.


  1. So cute!!! I think greatly loved is a perfect way to say it! :)

  2. I choose to call it greatly loved too! And there is NOTHING wrong with being greatly loved!!!

  3. Laura I could not have said it better myself. "Greatly Loved"
