Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day ~ 2011

We have stuffed 17 + 14 bags full of goodies for all our MDO friends, baked cupcakes, iced them and sprinkled them with red and white hearts.  We have licked the mixer beaters till our tummies hurt, eaten icing off our fingers and poked and picked at all the cupcakes.  Now it is bedtime, but before we go we want to wish all of you a very Happy Valentines Day tomorrow.

There is nothing I want  more than to be hugged and kissed by these two cuties on Valentines Day.  So hard to get pictures of them together these day, but we gave it a shot this afternoon.   It was beautiful outside today and the sun was shining, which made it extra hard to get these FOUR little feet to stand still for a second.  I think they felt like they had broke loose from captivity when they got to spend time running and playing in the yard  I think our playhouse and swing set missed them as much as they missed it.  Longing for the day we can hang out in the yard, eat popsicles, slip and slide, have bare feet and enjoy the sunshine.

Hoping your day is filled with hope & love!

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