Monday, March 21, 2011

2 Year Check Up

Today was our little man's TWO year old check up and I was not looking forward to him getting shots.  Guess what?  Today was his lucky little day because he did not have to get one shot and does not require anymore until he turns 4 years old.  

He was so darn cute today and decided it would be a good idea to wear his BIG sister's PINK watch from McDonalds and to bring her Dr. Seuss book to the appointment with him.  She did not seem to mind since she thought he was getting shots too.  As a matter of fact she cried out of disappointment when we got home and he did not have any band aids.

Gavin had a great 2 year old check up and our Dr. was quite surprised to see what a big boy he had become. The following are his currents stats:

2 foot 10 inches tall (44%)
33 lbs 6 oz. ( 94%)
Head 20.24 " (97%)

He was advanced in his motors skills and his ability to communicate.   When the Dr. walked in, he pointed to a picture on the wall and said, "That's my cousin".  Needless to say, the Dr. was shocked and asked what he said.  He looked at her and repeated himself again.  She just looked at me and laughed asking, "How do you produce these kids who speak so well at such a young age, oh never mind he is Emma's little brother."  Gavin proceeded to talk her ear off after that about mosquito hawks, feeding the very big cows who said moo, the witch he had just seen on Dora, his cousin's picture on the wall (no it was not his cousin) and the big dragonfly hanging from the ceiling.  

She got her stethoscope to listen to his heartbeat and he started hollering, "No Dr. my heart, my heart".  He was quite entertaining today and ended up opening the door and saying, "Bye Dr. have a good day" and attempting to walk out.  He is such a funny little guy and he was determined to get out of there today very QUICK. 

Thankful he got a great check up and even more excited he did not have to get shots.  Now we just need to start growing taller big boy!

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