Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Outfit of the Day!

Emma gets super excited when she gets to pick out her own clothes and wear exactly what she wants for the day.  We try to reserve these days for Friday, but yesterday when I got home from work this is what my sweet girl was wearing.

We went to an amazing 2nd birthday party for our twin cousins on Saturday and Emma got this little get up, plus lots of other goodies.  Needless to say, she has not taken it off since she left the party and she loves it.   I am sure she will try to put these wings, tutu, and hat on Friday morning when she is choosing what her attire will be that day.

We had errands to run yesterday evening when I got home and yep, this is what she wore and I let her (pajamas and all).   We did get quite a few stares and that was okay because I have decided that these days are going my way to fast and I don't want to miss out on any of them.


  1. I think she looks just precious!!! Little cutie patootie!!! So, how in the world did you get the Bamboletta doll?? I'm wanting to get Addison one for her 5th bday..any tips???? THANKS!!!

  2. Precious! i am so glad that she is loving that tutu so much! I have to send you a few pics of them from the party..they are precious!

  3. Ha! She is so cute! I am certain Jolee Kate will be doing the same thing one day; Jake (5) and Jack (3) are already starting to want to dress themselves now and they are boys...can't imagine girls! :) She is a doll!
