Sunday, March 6, 2011

Celebrating Two Years in Service

We celebrated Gavin's 2nd Birthday today "Vintage Airplane" style and it was super fun.  We opted for a Sunday birthday party this year because it seemed to accommodate every one's schedule a little better. 

As I sit here and listen to my husband snore because he is exhausted and feel my feet throbbing, I am feeling blessed.  Blessed with great friends, great family, an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter and a TWO year old handsome SON!

Today was a beautiful day and one that filled our home with laughter, food, fellowship, good company and the sound of little people running amuck.  Some people call me crazy for allowing all this to go on in my home, I can honestly say I NEVER want it to end.   I can not imagine not hearing the screams, giggles and laughter of small kids in between these walls.  I love home parties, but I know the day will come when my kiddos will want to celebrate elsewhere. 

For now, I will cherish the memories that fill up our house that have truly made it a home.  A home I have always dreamed of, a home where my children feel comfortable, a home that is inviting to others and a home where Jesus comes first!

Yep, I am feeling a little sappy tonight.  More birthday stuff to come this week, I want to remember every part of it.  As for now, I am going to crawl in bed beside the best Daddy I know and thank God for a PERFECT day.   I am officially the Mom to a 2 and a 3 year old! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post. I love it. Your kiddos are so precious, and it's so sweet to hear you talk about your great love for them. Happy Birthday, Gavin!
    PS. Is Gavin's birthday March 6th? If so, that is our Jake's birthday, too...he just turned 5!
