Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sassy Pants

I had BIG PLANS to get Gavin's party posted this weekend and actually uploaded all the pictures several times and it never worked.  Finally figured out I was out of space and needed to purchase more through Google, so 24 hours after my purchase I am back to blogging.

To make sure it is up and working again before I upload that entire party, I thought I would post a pic of the sassiest (in a good way) little girl that I know. 

She has not taken these boots off since her BFF loaned them to her because they are sold out of her little size.  The girls feet are tiny, size 8 and yep she is almost FOUR!  Boots are actually too big but she does not seem to mind, she loves them.  Not sure if she loves Brookie or the boots more.

I can tell you that any time she is around, Brookie makes sure she does not have any bugs or insects in tow, and she usually does.  They may be BFF's but Brookie is not a fan of bugs or Emma's affection, she would rather love her and her critters from a distance.  Well, get ready she snuck a WORM home from the Rodeo yesterday and he is living on our kitchen counter in a dixie cup.  She cried and cried because she did not get to bring a chicken home.  The girl wants to live on a farm so bad that she can not stand it, funny thing is...I was EXACTLY like this as a child.  So, she may look like her Daddy but she is a mini me!

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