Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emma Lou @ 45 months

Happy 45 month Birthday sweet girl!   You have been so in your element the last couple days between the Livestock show and the Hajovsky farm.

I am amazed more and more every day by the HUGE heart you have for animals and your love for them BIG or small. I truly believe this is Gods way of telling me that my Daddy will live on for a long time in you and your baby brother.  I can not help but wonder how things would be if he could see your ability to love so strongly when it comes to bugs, small animals and livestock.  Everyday you beg us to let you have a chicken, cow, horse or should I just say anything you think we might let you bring into our home.  You currently have a dog, 2 african frogs, a fish, a snail and a worm you snuck home from the rodeo.  No doubt in my mind I will go in your room one day and you will have some stray hidden in your closet Emma Lou.

We spent your 45 month Birthday on a real farm with the Hajovsky family and let me just say you were not afraid to get dirty nor come face to face with the cows in their pasture.  You and Gavin got to feed these guys and watch  them run through the pasture to us as we drove up for feed time.  There was no fence between you and them, only about 5 feet of space and you loved every minute of it.

Emma, you are an amazing little girl with the biggest heart of any child I have ever met.  You love people, you love Jesus, you  love your family, you  love your friends, you love animals and you simply ENJOY life!  I hope those things never change about you and that you are never afraid to always express your love for things big and small.  Thank you for all the smiles you bring to our faces daily and for marching to the beat of a different drum.   We love you more than you will ever know sweet girl.

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