Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday G-man!

Nothing like waking up to your Daddy, Mommy and big sister singing Happy Birthday to you bright and early in the morning. We were all so excited to go in and wake you up this morning.

Not sure if you were acting shy or you were stunned by the light and Mommy's flash in your face.

We let you open a couple presents this morning before MDO, what a great start to YOUR very special day little man.   You loved the book and Toy Story phone and kept talking to Buzz Lightyear all morning.

You were like a little ole man this morning reading your dinosaur book, eating your cinnamon rolls and drinking your chocolate milk.

You were so happy this morning and took your sisters bug box away while she cried and cried because her mosquito hawk had disappeared from the box over night (she convinced herself it was a dragonfly). 

Mommy stopped on the way home and got you a Toy Story balloon and a little cake to celebrate after dinner.  When I got home from work Ms. Deirdre, your Nanny had taken you guys to McDonalds for lunch and also baked you homemade cupcakes. 

We played outside for a little while before going out for your birthday dinner.   We let you choose what you wanted and you picked Chik Fil A.

Mommy loved on you as much as she could today because she was a little sad that you turned TWO years old.  The time has truly flown by and all day I reminisced about the day you joined our family and our trip to the hospital when you decided to come early.

You decided to eat your fruit first at dinner and we let you because after all it was your BIRTHDAY!

We are normally not fans of the playground but there was no way we could tell you no on a day like today.  You and Emma had a blast playing at Chik Fil A and it wasn't very crowded, so that made it even better.

After dinner we came home and sang to you again (for about the 15th time today) and enjoyed a chocolate pie.

Gavin, this day was all about YOU from the second you woke up till the time you went to bed.  When I was putting you in bed tonight I walked you over to some newborn pictures hanging on your wall and told you the story about the day you joined our family and what a difference you have made in my life.  You listened and held onto every word I said and then you just smiled and said, "look momma, look, baby momma, look" so I told you again that baby was you and how proud I was that you were a part of my life.

I hope the smile you wore on your face and the joy that was in your heart today last a lifetime. You are an amazing little boy and your zest for life is contagious. 

You are currently wearing a size 6.5 shoe, 2T-3T clothes and a size 6 diaper.  You are a lover of junk food, chicken nuggets, mexican beans, rice, ice cream, spagetti and macaronni.  Running, jumping, hitting scratching, screaming, hiding, singing, climbing and throwing stuff only begin to describe what you are up to these days.  Your vocabulary has EXPLODED and you are a chatter box repeating anything you hear.  You can count to 12 and know most of your colors and almost all of your ABC's.  You love to say the prayer before every single meal and it is the sweetest thing ever.  You are not happy until we have all held hands, prayed and said amen.

Gavin, we love you so much and appreciate you keeping us on our toes and on the go constantly.  You are an extremely active little boy and never slow down.  Somedays you can be the sweetest little boy ever and others you are very mischeivious.   Emma is your very best friend and you are CRAZY in love with her, but you like to scare her and go after her if things do not go your way.  Your Daddy is who you prefer these days and I love watching you get so excited when he comes home everyday.  The relationship the two of you share is very special.  

Once again, Happy Birthday Son!  We love you so much and will always celebrate you and the blessing God gave us two years ago when he added airplanes, bulldozers and dinosaurs to our pink world.  I hope you truly understand how much Jesus loves you and how much you mean to all of us.  I love you sweet boy.  Happy, happy birthday to you!


  1. And what a HAPPY exciting day!!! Gavin we wish you the best birthday

    With lots of love

    Callen & Paisley

  2. Happy birthday my little man! I can't believe how you have grown up so you little man! Keep that sunshiny smile forever!

  3. Awwww...once again, Happy Birthday, Gavin! Such a sweet, sweet post! And I figured it out now, his birthday isn't on March 6th...oops! :) Anyhow, he is such a cute kiddo, and those big eyes are to die for! What a doll!
