Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Last is not always a bad place to be!

We have been waiting almost a year to complete Emma's room and some other things in our house.  One of the last things we were waiting on was a very special canvas by Sweet Kim at Small Words.    I can honestly tell you it was worth the wait!  I think I was number 68 on her list and the very last one that she committed to do when she announced her break.  We happened to get in just in time and boy were we glad we did.  Kim is simply amazing and her work is beautiful.  Emma's room is a hodge podge of things from here, there and everywhere.  This picture is old and does not include updated pillows and curtains, but those are located on Kim's blog.

I was so excited to see what Kim would create for us and I basically told her to have a great time and just do what she thought was best.  I knew in my heart she would not disappoint us and it would be great.

I {PUFFY HEART} this canvas and can not wait till it arrives this week.   Everything about it is exactly what I wanted and more.  Simple, sweet, shabby and so cute!

I actually provided Kim with fabrics from Emma's room to use for the flowers, so it would match perfectly.  I love how each one turned out, they are perfect and oh so GIRLY!   Kim is a perfectionist and that can be seen in every canvas she paints.

I also needed a canvas for my kiddos bathroom and at first Kim suggested different fonts and I said, "no way".  After seeing Emma's I quickly emailed her back and said, "do as you please".  This canvas will be perfect in our orange and turquoise penguin bathroom.

Kim also designed a canvas for us  that will be displayed on a canvas wall in our home where our family pictures (canvas style) will cover an entire wall eventually. 

Last, Kim is currently working on a canvas for a sweet friend that will be welcoming her first baby soon, Miss Kenley Grace!  We can not wait to see what she has created for this precious child that will arrive in June. I am sure she will post it soon, she is almost finished and rumor has it beads are involved!

For now, we will wait.  Wait for our package to arrive with all of our hand painted goodness inside!  Thank you Kim for your sweetness and for sharing your talent with us. We will be back soon when we decide if we want vintage airplanes or dinosaurs in Mr. Gavin's room and in the meantime we will enjoy our canvases that are on their way.

To say we are beyond thrilled with Kim's work is an understatement.  Makes my heart happy to know that these were handmade with love by her while she was chasing around 4 little ones of her own.  Kim's heart is huge


  1. I am sooo excited for you and trust me when I say Kim's work is well worth the wait!!!

  2. Where did you get her bedding from or did you buy the fabric and have someone make it?

  3. I think her room is beautiful! The signs are great and you're going to LOVE them. :)

  4. hi there Im a new follower. Im on the hunt for new bedding for my daughter for her birthday. Im looking for pink and green. Do you mind me asking where you found this. its too cute. just love. PLease let me know if you get a chance. shannasiegert@yahoo.com
    thanks :) you have a beautiful familiy

  5. Love the photos of the airplane party. Can you please tell me where you bought the small blue suitcase. I really appreciate your time.
