Sunday, April 17, 2011

7th grade + 27 years = BFF

Last night we celebrated my BFF and her husband of 17 years Birthdays and Anniversary!  We hopped on a party bus filled with 20 people and headed out to a Piano Bar for the evening.  This was the first time since Emma's birth that my children have ever been left at night for us to go and do anything.  It was super hard for me to do this, but we had a great time.   Nana came to our house to keep all 4 of her grandchildren and they had a slumber party filled with bubbles, bubble machine, pizza, movies, backyard play and snow cones.   Sweet Nana even scrubbed our house till it shined too, what a nice surprise. 

Here is the BIRTHDAY GIRL (aka  BFF).  You name it we have been through it all together!  She is MOMMY of the YEAR to three beautiful little girls and is the best SAHM I know.   We are so different in so many ways, yet she has always been so supportive of my career, my family, my dreams and helped me accomplish my goals.  Seriously, at this point we are family and all 5 of our kiddos are going to be real disappointed one day when they realize I am not really their Aunt and vice versa.

My husband was hilarious last night, I mean this guy is super duper funny and provided us with lots of entertainment.

We were so excited that my sweet SIL joined us last night while her 2 kiddos slumbered with their favorite cousins.  They all love each other so much and cherish the time they get to spend with one another.

All in all, it was a great night and we had loads of laughs and fun.  I told Curtis this morning that I really enjoyed my time out, but that would carry me through the next 5 years.  Perhaps I have become a homebody, but I really do enjoy just spending time with the rest of The Frazier Four!


  1. YOu and your hubs look great!!!! It's nice to get away from the kids, even if it's for a few hours. YEAH for you guys!!!!

  2. You look amazing!! You have to do a post on your weight loss. I'm sure lots of ladies would appreciate it. I know I would :)


  3. Oh' my goodness Laura!! You look awesome! So glad y'all had a fun night out!
