Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure

We just got home from Dance and Emma got her FIRST Recital costume and we are both so excited.  I could not help but thank God out loud once again for the blessing of being a Mommy to a sweet little girl.  Emma is practicing so hard for her upcoming recital and is so attentive every time she has class.  She loves to hear her teacher tell her she has done a great job and enjoys her recital partner Mia.   They will be doing a ballet routine to "It's a Small World" and I am preparing myself to cry like a baby when I see my little ballerina on stage.  We are so proud of Emma and her commitment to complete her first year of dance.  There were days she was not happy and days that she was full of excitement to go to dance, but she stuck it out and after 10 months (first 4 were hard) of class she loves it.

So while I love bows, ballet slippers, Matilda Jane, Tiny Toms, purses, dress up clothes, head bands and dolls galore I also have a weak spot for cars, truck, airplanes, Buzz Light year, balls, trains and all things that remind me of the littlest man in my life.  Gavin keeps us on our toes and running behind him at all times, but I would not want it any other way.  God gave me exactly what I ask for a girl and a boy, I just can't imagine that it gets any better than the life I am living today.

Our home is filled with sweet, sassy, toughness, hugs, kisses, climbing, running, jumping, hiding, sad days, happy days, fits, runny noses, coughs, breathing treatments, biting, hitting,  time out and so much more.  The most important of all is LAUGHTER.   Our life is not perfect, there are days I love my kids more than I ever imagined and there are days I need a break.

As for today, I am grateful for so much but I am especially thankful that I am the Mommy to a little girl and a little boy.   Who  knows what God has in store for us, but one thing is for sure...on days like today my heart is happy. 


  1. Oh Laura I don't think I could have said it better. It is great being a mother.

  2. Such a sweet post!! And so true!! We are blessed to have the best of both worlds! Fun all around!!!!! And that little dance dress/costume is sooo stinkin cute!!!!!!

  3. You are one very very blessed momma! You get the best of both worlds and get to be momma to two beautiful little darlings! I love this post!

  4. Oh my word!! You KNOW that little tutu just melted my heart :)
