Thursday, April 28, 2011

I want to MARRY you!

Last night when Curtis got home from work Emma ran and greeted him at the door and shouted, "Hey Daddy" like she does everyday when she hears the garage door rise.   Of course he scooped her up as soon as he could sit his stuff down, twirled her around, hugged her, kissed her, asked her about her day and squeezed her tight again.  

After she wiggled loose from his tight squeeze that only a Daddy knows how to give, she grabbed him by the face with both his cheeks smashed between the palms of her chubby little hands and said, "I am going to marry you when I get big". As soon as she said it she got really embarrassed and buried her head deep in his shoulder.  I don't have to tell you that her Daddy was grinning from ear to ear.  This just might have been one of the sweetest little moments I have seen the two of them share.  It was cute, it was sweet and it is something I never want to forget.  Just like her Momma, she is a big Daddy's girl too and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


  1. I love this! Definitely a sweet moment to remember!

  2. That is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard. Melt her daddy's heart! We are watching the draft and I just saw Von Miller get drafted! So happy for him.

  3. Sweetest little story...I love it! She is a doll!

  4. That is the sweetest! I'm sure it made Curtis's day!
