Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Day

First cousins ready for the egg hunt.  I did not manage to get one good picture of my kids in their Easter outfits much less a great picture of them all day.  The pictures I did get make me smile because they are so them and they were ready to get down and dirty from the start.

Gavin did not wear a shirt after lunch for the entire day.  Both of my kids would prefer to just run around naked and barefoot everyday if we would let them.

I would say we had close to 100 eggs for the kids to hunt.  There was about $50 stuffed inside random eggs broken up in change, $1 and $5 bills.   Emma was so funny, she refused to pick up any plastic eggs and only searched for the dozen hard boiled eggs we made the night before.   We tried to talk her into getting some plastic ones, but she was not having it at all.

When the kids sat down to go through their eggs it did not seem to bother Emma at all that she did not get any candy or money, she was totally content with her real eggs.  Of course Gavin brought Buzz along with him on his egg hunting adventure.

Hunter and Camryn had a blast hunting eggs, playing with their cousins and flooding the yard with my kiddos.  I must say that Hunter was our entertainment for the day with all his witty little comments that kept us in stitches.

You would have thought these two were at a water park the way they squealed, laughed and played in the water faucet.  They love each other so much and Emma worships the ground Camryn walks on and can never seem to get enough of her big cousin.

The faucet did not keep Emma satisfied forever, so she decided to roll around on the ground like a little pig in a mud puddle.  Good thing they did not wear their good clothes outside, right?   Did not take long for the boys to see what they were missing out on and they joined in the fun.  I love the picture of all 4 of them together, reminds me of "Red rover, red rover....let trouble come over".  These four are a mess, but greatly loved by each other and the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. These pics are great! It looks like they had so much fun!
