Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Pirate ~ 25 months

"Look Momma, I a pirate" and "Look Daddy, I a pirate".....sword swinging, lip snarling and arrrrggggg yelling are only a few things this little boy is doing these days to let us know he is a PIRATE indeed.  Gavin has suddenly become real interested in pirates and tells us everyday that he is a pirate.  It is super cute until he starts swinging his sword around and it hits one of us.

Time seems to be going by so quickly these days that sometimes it is hard to believe that April is here and this little boy is not a baby anymore.   When I say he is all boy, I mean he  is all BOY and there is no slowing him down or stopping him from sun up to sun down. 

Happy 25 month Birthday baby boy ~ We love you to the moon & back!

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