Monday, July 25, 2011

Ouch, It got me!

Every evening we try to spend quality family time riding bikes, swimming, walking, feeding the ducks, hunting for turtles, fishing or playing at the splash pad.  Last night we set out to go swimming and thunder quickly put a halt on that, so we headed to the splash pad. 

Our neighborhood splash pad is located by a clubhouse, a dry creek bed, a park and a little amphitheatre.  After the kids played at the splash pad they wandered off to the grassy section and I lounged in the grass while Emma sang and danced on the stage.  We had the kids compete in a couple little relay races while we cheered them on, it was hilarious.  Gavin decided to start picking flowers off all the plants and bushes and we gave him fair warning that he was going to get stung by a bee if he did not stop.

Next thing we know here he comes running saying, "Ouch, it got me Daddy. It got me".  No screaming, no crying, just a simple it got me.  When he woke up this morning it was pretty swollen, red and had fever in it but he has yet to complain.

I wanted to get a picture of it but he kept smiling and singing, "I am bringing home a baby bumble bee, OUCH it stung me" so this is the best I could do.

I would say lesson learned, but no doubt this boy would go right back to flower picking tonight if we would let him.

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