Thursday, July 21, 2011

Three Ring Circus

Today we ventured out on a play date to the Circus with Brook and Luke.  I am so glad I took this picture before we left the house or there might not have been very many pictures since I rarely had a free hand.

These two little clowns wore me smooth out today and there were times I felt like I was part of the Circus, seriously!

Emma and Brook love each other so much and have grown up together since the day they were born.  Emma started asking me last night if I would put Brook's car seat close enough to hers where they could touch and hold hands.  Emma is the really cuddly one and Brook likes her personal space, but she has come around and I think kind of likes Emma's hugs and hand holding now.  This is the only picture I got of them today and I was lucky to get this.

By the time we finally got to our seats Cassi and I were sweating like we had ran a half marathon.  We chose not to bring strollers with us and it was a little nerve racking keeping up with 4 kiddos in a crowd.  Matter of fact we lost one of the four, can you guess who it was?   You are looking at him and it scared us to death.

Gavin is quick and not afraid to wonder off by himself, so when we go anywhere I NEVER take my eyes or hands off of him.  We got to the Circus an hour early so we could visit with the animals and see the pre show.   Within seconds of being on the circus floor I looked down and Gavin was gone.  I looked at Cassi and shouted a FOUR letter word and told Cassi not to move with the other 3 kiddos.  I frantically started searching for him within the 10 feet perimeter and he was no where to be found.  He had on a bright orange shirt, so I thought he would be super easy to locate (not so much).  I am not sure what happened next but I was scared to death and I think Cassi finally located him about 20 feet away from us headed back towards the animals.  I should have known since I had a hard time prying him off the elephant fence a little earlier.  It only took about 2 minutes to locate him, but felt like 2 hours.  For some reason I am afraid this little boy is going to give me many more scares in my life. 

The kids all loved the elephants, tigers and the miniature horses today.  I was not super impressed with the show and left there wishing the Circus was more like the one I saw as a kid, filled with real clowns and alot more animals. 

After the Circus we went to eat at Chik Fil A and to visit sweet Cortney that is on house-rest waiting for her little Princess to arrive.  We got to see her nursery which is cute as can be and it is obvious so much love went into creating such a sweet space for a special little girl.

Our play date was wonderful, but the girls were not ready to say good bye.  We promised Brook she could come back very soon to play again.

I am so thankful for the friendships I share with Cassi and her kiddos.  We have so much in common when it comes to where we are at in life with our kiddos and careers.   It is nice to have someone to talk to about the good, the bad and the ugly.  Today when we got in the car after the Circus we just looked at one another, high fived and laughed because it was hard work.  

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