Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of MDO 2011

Our kiddos went back to MDO today to start a new school year and they were super excited for their little feet to hit the floor this morning.  Emma entered into PreK with Mrs. Becky and Mrs Violet and Gavin moved up to the 2 year old room with Mrs. Yuri.  They will be going from 9-12 this year and I am already dreading that this is Emma's last year before big school. 

We have been talking about school starting for a couple of weeks in our house to get them back into the swing of things after having Mommy home for the summer.  Every time we asked G-man if he was ready to go back he always shouted, "nope"!

We put the little bus on our Happy Everything plate a while back and Emma quickly informed me that they did not have a bus that runs in our neighborhood for her school.  This girl is eager to ride a big yellow bus to school one day.

Last night we got backpacks ready to go and hung them in the utility room where they would be easy to grab when we were headed out the door for school.  The kids are so good about making sure their backpacks are hung back up at the end of everyday and I appreciate that.

We had parent orientation last Thursday at our Preschool and Emma's teacher Mrs. Becky sent her home with homework and a star for the first day of school.  Her assignment was to create a story board on this star about her summer or her family.  We let Emma choose and she chose her summer along with all the pictures she wanted to go on it.  She did a great job organizing it and Daddy and I assisted her on her first project.

Today when she got to school she had to present her story board to the class and she was very excited to tell us all about it when she arrived home. We worked really hard this weekend on it and Emma practiced presenting it several times as her Daddy and I pretended to be her classmates. I love that she is not shy when it comes to public speaking and I am so glad she is getting the opportunity to do this at such an early age.

We are really looking forward to having Mrs. Becky this year, she has been at our preschool for 22 years and seems to have very high expectations for her students.  They will be covering a kindergarten curriculum and some first grade skills before the year is over.

Here is Emma Lou before school this morning holding her star.  She insisted her hair be in a french braid and refused to let me pull it up any other way.  I tried to pull it a little tight in the beginning so she would give in and let me put it half up, but it did not work and she won with the braid.

Little man was not interested in having his picture taken at all and kept telling me he was Superman while playing with an empty lighter and pretending it was a gun. 

They looked like pros this morning walking in and going straight to their classes.  I attempted to get a picture of them side by side, but the truth is I think they are sick of me and my camera.

Making their way down the hallway to find their new classes, new teachers and old friends.

I finally got them to stop and take a picture with me real quickly before they rushed into the room to start playing.  I was so PROUD of both of them this morning.  Sure does make life alot easier on this Mommy when they stay willingly and there are no tears involved.  Daddy was back to get them at noon and both of them had a great first day.

When we left this morning, Gavin had found his way to the water fountain and no telling what happened next.

All in all, it was a great day that ended with Emma at Jazz and Gavin at his first night of gymnastics.  Oh boy, Gymnastics was WILD and I can not wait to post pictures tomorrow along with a couple of stories.  He loved it and was overstimulated beyond belief. Lets just say the other Mommy's did not appreciate his rambunctiousness.


  1. LOVE the picture of Emma and Gavin walking, bookbags in tow, anxious to enter their first day back at MDO :) SO sweet!

    Hope that ya'll adjust back to school/work well and that they have a great "school" year. Can't wait to hear about Gavin's adventures with gynmnastics.


  2. First, I so need to get the school bus for my Happy Everything ute!!!!!! Ordering it right now!!!! Your kids look so big walking down the hall! PRESH! And the pic of the 3 of you, so sweet!!! I know you are one proud momma!!!!!

  3. Such a sweet post. You are such a good momma and I know your kiddos at your school love you too! I love your plate and I love the post about gymnastics! That is hilarious! I think the Lord knew I needed a tame little girl to ease me into the craziness of parenting!
