Monday, August 8, 2011


Tonight we kicked off a new season of dance with one very excited little girl on our hands.  After this years recital Emma was on fire about taking more than one dance class.   We visited the studio this summer and had her evaluated where she was given permission to take Jazz along with her Ballet and Tap class.  Our Dance studio only allows students 5 and up to participate in Jazz.  

After we had Emma evaluated she was invited to join company with a hand full of other 4 year olds.  Emma thought it was a great idea, but because of the time commitment Mommy decided it was best that we wait another year and continue to nurture her interest in dance.

We did decide with the studio owners encouragement and blessing to enroll her in Primary Jazz, which is a 5 year old class.  I was very concerned because Emma just celebrated her birthday in June and is a very young four, but we decided to give it a try.  We both were confident that Emma could do it based on her ability to listen, follow directions and the discipline she displayed during her Ballet class and at recital.   

Emma was ecstatic and has talked about Jazz nonstop since we enrolled.  We visited our local dance store and purchased new dance clothes, ballet shoes, tights and jazz shoes.  She came home and organized it and started counting the days to Jazz.  She really liked the fact that she could wear another color besides PINK!

I was so proud of her this evening when she walked in class, removed her skirt and went straight to her spot on the floor.  She was so excited to be in class with all the 5/6 year olds and was determined not to be the rookie.  Her little friend Lauren is in the same class, so she was excited to see a familiar face.

Emma did a great job and was able to keep up with her other classmates.  It was obvious that Emma really enjoyed the challenge of being with the older girls. 

After class she told me, "Mom I really love Jazz more than I love Ballet, but I still love Ballet."  I knew after watching her that she truly enjoyed the pace of class and learning new skills.  One of the conditions for her being in Jazz is that she has to remain in a Ballet/Tap class so hopefully she continues to enjoy Ballet.

After class she wanted to stay after and observe the Primary Ballet class.  She is really hoping that she might get bumped up from Preschool Ballet this week and asked to join the older girls.  Regardless of where she ends up, I continue to tell her that we are so proud of her and how far she has come from the first time she walked in the studio. 

We picked up our dance recital DVD tonight and she is watching it for the 3rd time and trying to do all the dances she sees the other girls doing.

We are very excited to watch Emma dance her way through her 2nd year of dance and are so proud of what a great dance student she has become. Keep dancing Emma Caroline!

Don’t dance for the audience; dance for yourself.
~ Bob Fosse


  1. Ok, seriously, what a cutie patootie!!!!! Love the pics!!!

  2. Oh I could just eat her up. She is so stinkin' cute. Glad she seems to be enjoying Jazz. Can not wait to watch Jolee Kate in all of the dance, jazz, tap, name it! :)
