Thursday, September 15, 2011

51 Months

My sweet girl is 51 months old and sweet as ever!  It is probably about time I stop taking these monthly pictures, but I just can't let go.  She is as special as they come in so many ways.

Emma has officially been in Pre K for a month and she loves her school, her teachers, her classmates and learning.  I am amazed at all she is learning and her interest in learning more.  She is reading, writing, doing math, memorizing scriptures, comparing and contrasting, being creative and on fire about school.  She has been star student, the class leader and loves to participate in weekly show & tell that relates to the letter they are studying.

The transition back to school has been a great one and she looks forward to going to MDO everyday from 9-12.  Her Daddy still walks her all the way to class and gives her "Two Kisses & a Hug" which makes for a great day.

Her love is still very strong for her family, animals, insects, her babies, dancing, pretending, crafting, Jesus, her baby brother and riding her bike.  Four years old has brought some talking back along with it, but she is slowly realizing it is not in her best interest to always have the last word.

Happy 51 months of life Emma Lou!  We love you more than you will ever understand and can not wait to see what all God has in store for you.

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