Monday, September 12, 2011

Little Beach Bums

We ended a very relaxing weekend by enjoying lunch with family and a trip to the beach. My husband might just think I have lost my mind since I pulled out all the Fall/Halloween decorations this weekend and got that marked of my list of things to do.  The next couple weeks are crazy busy for us with Homecoming festivities, Football Games, Dance, Gymnastics and LIFE!

Sweet Peyton and Gavin had a big time playing in the sand. Emma kept calling it mud (ha ha) and asking her Daddy, "Why did you bring us to the beach with mud Daddy?"  Silly girl, guess she is a little spoiled to those beaches in the Bahamas.

There is not a cousin that Emma does not love or hug constantly when she is around them.  It is so cute to watch her baby talk to Peyton and ask her sweetly what she needs or wants.   These two chased Marla and giggled uncontrollably the entire time.  Our favorite thing to do was watch the thousands of Clams bury themselves in the sand.

Gavin was so excited to catch his first fish!  It was a dead one that he found lying on the beach and he carried it around for about 30 minutes hollering, "I caught a fish Momma, I caught a fish".  He ran up to Marla and Dwain with it and they were just a wee bit disgusted.  It was hilarious until he and his big sister started touching its eyeballs that were poking out.

Emma had sand from head to toe by the time we left, but she enjoyed herself and had a great day right along with the rest of us.  It was big fun to spend the day with Dwain, Marla, Peyton, Myron & Elnora.  So glad we got to see them before they head back to Steamboat for a couple months. We are hoping to pay them a visit in Steamboat soon.


  1. What a precious day! You are so blessed. : )

  2. Looks like great times. And I loved seeing the picture of Peyton and Gavin. Feel like I know her after watching Sterling's story. Hope you are doing great. PS. Another box of MJ came in today...this time Platinum! Life is just a tad better with MJ. ;) Haha!
