Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

We spent the day poolside yesterday surrounded by family and it was a BLAST for everyone!  All the littlest Carnes cousins were together yesterday and when it finally got dark, no one was ready to say goodbye (just might be the reason we got home right before midnight).

These kids could make anyone smile and have a great day.  Sweet Brynlee getting suited up for the day, Gavin enjoying some good ole tater chips, Peyton ready to show off her ISR skills and Jackson (the littlest Carnes) testing the water. 

Emma was not about to let her BIG COUSINS get one up on her, so she jumped off the bridge right along with them all day.  After a few jumps she decided to take off her life jacket and swim to the side like the rest of them.

This is just few of the cousins having fun when the party first got started.  By the end of the day there were kiddos everywhere laughing, screaming, squealing, kicking and splashing.

I am not sure who loves who more out of these four.   Emma can never get enough hugs from Hunter and Camryn and those two can't keep their lips off Gavin.  They are all so super duper in love with each other and it makes my heart smile.

Gavin had a blast playing with his BIG COUSIN Wyman Saturday and Sunday.  Hmmm...we are thinking Gavin might be his mini-me, they are both pretty wild and rambunctious. Gavin is probably the most HILARIOUS kid I have ever been around in my life and the rest of the family agrees.  This boy has more personality than we know what to do with at times.


These kiddos played and pushed one another on this raft for the most part of the day.  We had to keep a close eye on them because they could often be found floating out a little to far.  I sure wished we could have squeezed all of them around this little table and gotten their picture at lunchtime, might be the cutest group of kids I have ever seen!

Some of my favorite little melon heads chowing down, they meant serious business when it came time for watermelon.  Hudson, Emma & Gavin had watermelon juice from head to toe.

Boys will be boys, big or small.  Hunter & Kaiden insisted that I stand by the slide and watch all of their tricks.  They would put the fish float and this mat on the slide and both jump on for a wild ride.  They informed me that they go much faster when the fish are underneath the mat before they take off.  It was hilarious to watch all the crazy ways they came flying down.  Sweet Hudson wanted to slide down with Curtis, but did not want to go under the water at all. 

Anytime there is a gathering Emma and Hudson are the best of friends and can not get enough of one another.  They are so sweet and will do whatever the other one does as long as they do it together.  Hudson will be welcoming Baby Brother Maddox in 9 more weeks, so next year we will have 1 more Carnes Cousin to add to the bunch. 

You are looking at the BEST DADDY in the world and his kids love him beyond explanation.  Curtis provides the entertainment for all the kiddos on days like yesterday.  He plays with them non-stop and I am not sure who has more fun, them or him. 

My sweet nephew Hunter, which happens to be the oldest one of the bunch showed all the little ones how it is supposed to be done.  He is so wonderful in the water and really looks out for all the itty bittys and makes sure they are safe and having a good time.

Yesterday was BIG FUN for all of us and just what we needed after a roller coaster of a week with Sterling's Story being released worldwide. It was great to be together, laugh, love on one another and talk about Sterling.  We are so proud of Marla and the courage she had to share the heartbreaking story of her sweet little boy in hopes of saving someone else from the heartache we all know to well.   Although yesterday was pretty close to perfect, there will always be an energetic dark haired little boy missing that we all long to see again someday. 

"My cousins are my friends that will love me forever"
Happy Labor Day 2011


  1. Wow, looks like you guys had an amazing time!!! FUN!!! Sterling's story will save many lives!!!!! So sorry your family had such a horrible loss. I can't imagine!!

  2. It was a blast! Hudson loved playing with all of them, especially Emma!!

  3. Look that the Frazier 4 had am amazing time. Will continue to pray that you family will grow stronger with everything. Sterlin's story will be an eye opener to everyone especially me and my kids. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I watched all 45 minutes of the three videos and cried for a good portion of it. Whew. What a story. Thanks for sharing. Love the pictures of the kids swimming. What fun!
