Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Caterpillars have arrived

We are working super hard these days to keep these two little ones away from the TV, by limiting their viewing time to about 30 minutes a day.  They spend most of their time creating camping scenes, playing school, chasing wild animals and creating things at the craft table.  Some of their favorite things to do these days are cut paper, paint, color, play with a hand held hole punch and tape things up.  Both of my kiddos are extremely creative and can pretend to the point it is almost believable.  I love to listen to them scream when a bear is approaching their campsite or bring monsters to life while they are walking through the forest.   

Emma has always wanted a Butterfly house and every time she sees the commercial on Sprout she begs for it.  Guess what finally arrived yesterday? When we walked to the mailbox the caterpillars were sitting at the edge and Emma squealed at the top of her lungs, then took off to share the news with Daddy. "They are here Daddy, they are here."

Gavin was napping, but he wanted to hold them as soon as he woke up.  He just kept shouting, "my butterflies, my butterflies" and then he sent them sailing across the room.   We had to explain to him that he could not throw them or they would not live.

We got all five of them nestled in a dark and cool place last night and now we wait for 7-10 days while they for cocoons.  It is going to be exciting times around our house in the next couple weeks and this is just the beginning of our projects to keep these little minds busy.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, my kids would love that!!!!!!! Gonna have to check it out!!
