Monday, October 3, 2011

31 Months with G-Man!

I prayed for a little boy, my prayers were answered and I love him beyond explanation.  This kid is full of life and never slows down, not even for a second during the day.  We still require him to take naps, but he could make it a whole day without one if we would let him. 

Gavin RUNS everywhere he goes and can get away from us in a second if we are not careful.  He has a deep love for all sports and enjoys being active at all times.  He begs Mommy to take him to the Bulldog school because he loves to watch Volleyball, Football, Swimming, Basketball, Soccer and any other sport available.  Big trucks and tractors stop him dead in his tracks and he wants us to chase them down the freeway.

He is very aggressive and has to constantly be reminded that it is not okay to wrestle and put his hands on other people. Bless his heart, he has to move his color about 3 days a week at school for doing little things such as throwing mulch, wrestling with his friends, talking during story time and hitting. There have been a few weeks he makes it all the way to Friday and slips up and does some little "boy" behavior that cost him his ice cream for the week. We will continue to work on him and pray that he learns to control his behavior, he is a work in progress for sure (aren't we all)?

This smile lights up my life no matter what is going on around me and reminds me daily that life is about having fun, not always sticking with the plan.  Talk about crazy, this boy is crazy about his Daddy and I am not sure that will ever change.  He waits for him to get home in the evenings and just can not get enough of him or give him enough "big hugs" or kisses.  Daddy likes it too and Mommy is just a little bit jealous (not really, I would not want it any other way).

You are still a lover of all things Toy Story and make sound effects that could earn you a spot in Toy Story 4 if they decide to make one.  It is hilarious to watch you act out the scenes and see how much you love Woody, Buzz, Jesse and all their other friends.   I love to hear you sing, "You gotta friend in me" while flying Buzz around the house shouting, "I Buzz Lightyear, to infinity and beyond".  No doubt you and Andy would have been the best of friends.  Your Daddy is going to regret buying you all this Toy Story stuff one day, it is something I will NEVER be able to part with because it is so YOU!

Gavin Thomas, you are a very special little boy, all we dreamed about and so much more.  You keep us on our toes with your love for life and your "give it all you got" attitude.  I love you, your Daddy loves you and Emma loves you more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

  1. I am fully convinced. Jack and Gavin are identical. :) Only diff is Jack is blonde. ;)
