Tuesday, October 4, 2011

National Night Out

Tonight we celebrated NNO with popcorn, snow cones, face painting, train rides, jump houses, obstacle course, sand crafts, horses, Ferris wheel, firetrucks, an ambulance and all our neighbors. Our neighborhood always has a huge party at one of our club houses and there is lots of stuff for the kiddos to do.

This sassy little girl was ready for some fun and was begging to get her face painted before we even got there.

My sweet boy was just happy to have a bubble gum snow cone and some popcorn.

The kids loved the jump houses, especially the one that had the obstacle course inside of it.  I was shocked that Gavin was able to climb up the hill in it, flip down the other side and keep up with his big sister.

Enjoying the train ride and waiting to shout, all aboard!

Of course Emma had to touch and talk to the biggest horse I have ever seen in my entire life.  This guy weighed 1800 lbs and was as sweet as could be.   He was actually donated to the mounted patrol in our area by a family who decided he was to massive for them to ride for pleasure. 

Emma and Gavin got to ride this little Ferris wheel and after about the 5th time around Gavin had enough and was ready to get off.

A party would not be complete without a little sand craft, Emma made a pink heart necklace and Gavin made an orange dolphin. 

I was so PROUD because our Key Club students from school volunteered and helped work all the booths while keeping things organized.  It was a fun night mingling with so many families that live in our neighborhood.

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