Saturday, October 29, 2011

Emma & Lizzie

We played football this evening and just so happened that Emma's little friend Lizzie and her family were at the game.  Emma was super excited when she found out she was there, matter of fact we were in the suite when we found out and the next thing I know Emma is in line tyring to wrap food up and take it out into the stands for her friends.  Silly girl, I quickly reminded her to put it down as school board members and others were staring at her trying to smuggle cookies, cupcakes and candy out of the "All Access Pass" area. Yikes!

She settled on taking a couple mints to her buddy and left the rest behind.  Lizzie lives right around the corner, but we don't get to see her often.  She is pretty shy, but slowly coming out of her shell.  I was so excited when she decided to come along with me and Emma tonight to visit some other friends at the game.

These two kept wanting their own set of pom poms, so we decided to take a walk down to the field.  On the way there we saw Spike, so of course we had to stop for a picture.

When we were walking around Lizzie agreed to come over to our house and play sometime soon.  Emma jumped at that thought and said, "Oh Lizze and you can spend the night with me too."  Poor Lizzie, Emma is an all or nothing kind of girl, so I am sure she made you a nervous wreck tonight.

When we got down to the field Emma decided to tell Lizzie that they were going to go out on the field and perform at half time.  Wrong answer Emma, Lizzie's little lip started quivering and she wanted her Mommy ASAP.   I begged her not to cry and she didn't, so I immediately started texting her Mommy.  Her Mommy came down to the rail to get her and Lizzie was like, peace out!   Emma scared the heebie jeebies out of her when she started talking about performing on the field.

It was fun to see Lizzie Lou and so many others at the game tonight.  Our football team is on fire and playoff bound for sure, so glad that so many people came out to support the Bulldogs tonight.  Emma sure was glad to have a friend to walk hand in hand with and even more thrilled that the Bulldogs had a V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! An all-or-nothing kind of girl. Think that might just be Jolee Kate one day, too. Football Friday nights are so fun. Think next year we will have lots more of them!
