Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Festival 2011 @ MDO

Arrr....Look at me little pirates Matey!  One of my little pirates refused to wear his boots and hat, this Mommy has learned there are some battles just not worth fighting early in the morning.  I was just happy I got a smile out of them before they headed out for the Fall Festival.

Gavin was real honest with his feelings this morning when we were getting him dressed in his costume.  "I do not like the boots and I do not like the hat Mommy."

Sweet Kain  {our wonderful Nanny's little boy} and Gavin at the duck pond.  Kain was Captain Hook and he looked so cute.

Gavin with the MDO director, Mrs. Elaine that is his big buddy.  Gavin gets sent to the office sometimes and is suppose to sit in the red chair, however he always wiggles his way up in Mrs. Elaine's lap and she loves it.

Back in the class for party time and lots of Halloween goodies and sweets.  Gavin was so proud I was there and just kept saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" over and over again without needing anything.

Emma got her face painted by Jewels, the Clown at the carnival.  It was sort of like the Cinderella costume at Disney, she never wanted to take it off.

Sweet Mrs. Becky, Emma's PreK teacher that has been teaching at MDO for 26 years.  We are so blessed that Emma has her and is getting such a great foundation that will benefit her immensely for years to come.

It made me so sad to take this picture of these sweet girls.  Gracie, Hannah and Emma have been Best Friends at MDO since they were 15 months old.  These three girls have been inseparable since they started out in the toddler room and are crazy about each other.  Come May they will all go their separate ways for Kindergarten and as I stood around with their Mommy's today and talked about it, we were all very choked up.

Aubrey is another one of Emma's sweet friends that she has attended school with since the toddler room.  Aubrey's Mom was Emma's two year old teacher and currently has Gavin in her class.

Emma with her friend Kade, that she is really giddy about.  Kade is Emma's table partner and she enjoys hanging out with him at school.

My kids favorite part of party day is getting to drink real juice.  We drink roaring water at our house, so they jump at any opportunity to drink real juice boxes.

Performing for the parents in the children's choir room.  Emma's class sang 5 fall songs and they were so cute and sweet.  It is crazy to watch all these kids perform and think about how little they all were when we started MDO.  Emma was quite the performer and entertainer.

Picture of the entire class when the party started.  This room is amazing and Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Violet work miracles with the 14 itty bitty's in their class. It was so much fun to enjoy the Fall Festival with Emma & Gavin this Halloween.

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