Friday, October 7, 2011

My Lil' Football Date

Last night I had a date with my little man and we headed out for our Thursday night Varsity game.  Emma stayed home with Daddy and they went on a bike ride,  tested out the new booster seat,  played Hi Ho Cherry-O and  Candy Land.

Gavin and I went up to the suite, took full advantage of our all access pass and enjoyed a nice dinner together.  He was so excited to see the boys on the field warming up and even more excited that he had ALL his Mommy's attention.

Gavin is a charmer and really knows how to work a crowd.  His Daddy started teaching him to shake hands when he was about 18 months old and lets just say he is really good at it when he is in a social setting.  He made his rounds and shook the hand of every man in the suite last night and every policeman we passed.  I must admit, it is super cute to see him do it and people are shocked that he does it so well.

He was a trooper and made it to the end of the 3rd quarter before we called it a night.   I see many more "football date nights" in the future with the sweetest little boy I know.

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