Saturday, October 15, 2011

4 Years & 4 Months

Oh sweet Emma Lou, you are growing up so fast right before our eyes.  It is a true joy to experience life with you every single day.

You are so independent these days and want little help with anything you do.  Pre~K has captured your heart and mind this year and you love every single thing about learning.   You currently are writing, reading and retaining and your ability to memorize is pretty amazing for a four year old.   Everyday you come home so excited about what you have learned and can not wait to share the entire days lesson with us step by step. 

It has become very important recently for you to have the last word and you have really started talking back.  We have had to pray and have lots of talks about how Jesus wants you to treat others and your parents.  You are still so super sweet and it is hard to correct you at times, but each time we explain to you that it is our job as your parents to help you become the best you can be.  I am confident you only do this at home because Mrs. Becky always tells us you are the perfect child at school.

You are as prissy as they come and you constantly walk around dancing or with your Hello Kitty purse filled with lip gloss on your shoulder.  It is safe to say that you are extremely confident and love yourself.  I am so proud that you possess this characteristic, because I encounter so many people on a daily basis that just do not believe in themselves.

You are so sensitive to others and love Jesus with all of your heart.  Last week you asked me, "Mom, why can't we see Jesus and the Angels",  I started explaining and you quickly interrupted me and said, "No Mom, No. We can not see them because they are nocturnal."  I sure was impressed with your analogy and smiled the rest of the day at your ability to transfer that knowledge to Jesus.

Emma, we love you so much and are so proud of you!  You bring so much happiness to our home and I am so honored to be your Mom.  Keep learning, smiling, laughing, praying and loving Jesus.


  1. She sounds like Morgan... PERFECT at school and so strong willed (sometimes) but also loving (sometimes) :) at home! Morgan got citizen of the six weeks in 1st grade and I was so excited but thinking, why don't you act like this at home?!?! I'm hoping having a strong willed child will be beneficial in those teen age years!! :)

  2. You are such a good mom, Laura. :) I love how you, too, talk to Emma about how you are trying to raise her to be the best she can be and to follow Him. SO important. I know she is so very blessed to have you as her mommy. You are a strong example of what a Christian mother and wife should be. Keep it up.

    PS. Missed your blogs, so while I am catching up on a few of my favorites, know you are definitely one of them. ;)
