Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We decided to make our annual  visit to the Pumpkin Patch today since we could not attend Victoria's 3rd Birthday or go to the hospital to meet Baby Maddox, because strep throat has been lurking around our house this week.  We did not think anyone would appreciate us contaminating their families, so we opted to spend the weekend alone.

Oh how I love fall and all the smells and colors it brings along with it.  My house smells of Marshmallow Pumpkin Scentsy right now and everywhere you turn there is some sort of fall decoration.

Gavin has been asking us daily, "Mommy, you take me to the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin like Caillou?"  Yep, both of my kiddos are pretty much obsessed with the bald headed, whiny little four year old that is not always very nice to his sister Rosie.

Emma was super excited to search for the perfect pumpkin to carve this year and she did a great job finding a good one with a big round face, just waiting to be brought to life for all our little Trick or Treaters.

Little Man turned every single pumpkin he could manage to pick up into a ball and threw it.  We had to remind him constantly to put them down.

 Emma found the cutest little pumpkins to bring home to paint and she has already painted two of them.

Gavin decided that he better grab a couple too and he kept saying, "Mommy, look at my widdle punkin."

Look at my wagon pulling boy with that super serious face. Perhaps he was nervous about getting caught stealing someones wagon full of pumpkins.

Leave it to one of my kids to be super fascinated with the flies that were zooming around the pumpkin patch.

We started going to this pumpkin patch when Emma was 4 months old, hard for me to believe she is now 4 years and 4 months old. 

 No matter what I promised Gavin today, he was not turning loose of too many smiles.

We enjoyed a wonderful lunch today and as we were leaving the restaurant an older lady approached our table and said, "I just want to tell you and your husband that y'all have the most beautiful and well behaved children and we appreciate that.  It is not too often you see parents making their kids do the right things these days and y'all have done a great job."  Before she could finish talking Gavin was wrapped around her legs hugging her and Emma was trying to squeeze a hug in too.  I was just anxious to get out of there before Gavin decided to send a shrimp or piece of bread flying across the restaurant. 

He finally decided to give me a smile and enjoyed sitting in the wagon atop all the pumpkins.

Here is the GREAT PUMPKIN that Emma picked out of the patch for The Frazier Four to carve this Halloween.  Daddy is a pretty good pumpkin carver, so I can not wait to see what this little guy ends up looking like.

This is the best shot I could get of these two little rascals together, makes me think that Christmas pictures are going to be very interesting this year.  Successful trip to the patch today and a good time spent with my very own little pumpkins!


  1. My favorite season is fall. I think it's all the colors, and the cooler air, and the joy that this time of year brings. I am glad to see your family enjoys fall, too. ;) We are going to take the kids to the pumpkin patch this week; can't wait! I always come home with about 200+ pictures. ;) And I think I may just put JK in the same MJ dress...since I see how well it photographed with the orange pumpkins. ;)

  2. Sweet sweet kids!!!! Love their buckets!!!!!!!

  3. Precious pics Laura...your little ones are growing up way too fast :)
